Friday, March 20, 2015

Observatorio Microbiologico del Cambio Global-NEIKER

We are proud to release the first and Spanish version of MicrObs the Movie - a short documentary about the project and why it matters. An English version will be released very shortly.

Special thanks to Mikel Anza for a fantastic job with editing, direction and production, to Fernando Blanco for audio and for all involved!


Estamos orgullosos de lanzar un video documental breve de nustro proyecto MicrObs.

Gracias a Mickel Anza por un trabajo fantástico con edición, dirección y producción, a Fernando Blanco para audio y a todos involucrados!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Photos from the Microbial Observatory

Apart from microbial ecology, photography is one of my big interests. Sometimes, carrying a heavy camera up to the beautiful Microbial Observatory was actually possible, together with sampling equipment, food and kilos of soil samples. But that did not mean I always had the energy to use it. Other times, I did. Here, you can find a small collection of photos from those times.